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International Symposium on
Low Power Electronics and Design
Fukuoka, Japan, August 1-3, 2011
Gold Supporters
Bronze Supporters
Silver Supporters
The International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design (ISLPED) is the premier forum for presentation of recent advances in all aspects of low power design and technologies, ranging from process and circuit technologies, to simulation and synthesis tools, to system level design and optimization.
ISLPED 2011 will be held as scheduled, despite the earthquake tsunami over 1000 km away in March 2011.
Video message from Mayor Takashima of the City of Fukuoka.
The Advance Program has been posted. Early bird registration deadline was June 27 (GMT+9).
Hotel reservation with conference discount available until July 1 (GMT+9) firm deadline.
-June 17, 2011: Author registration deadline and
Last day to cancel (islped2001-reg@ics-inc.co.jp) with JPY 5,000 refund.
No refund after this date.
-June 27, 2011: Early-bird Registration deadline -Japan Time (GMT+9)
-July 1, 2011: Hotel deadline (firm!) with discount rate
-July 18, 2011: Late registration deadline
-July 20: Speaker bio due to session chair
-July 31: Evening Reception
-August 1-3, 2011: Co-located workshop, Conference
Conference Overview
*The Main Conference starts at 1:30pm on August 1
*Evening Reception on July 31st
*Co-located Workshop (free but requires sep. reg.) in the morning of Aug. 1
*Industry/Academic Exhibitions on August 1 and 2.
The technical papers and invited talks form a very exciting program for this
year's ISLPED. The conference organizing committee has arranged four
keynotes by the following distinguished speakers from industry and academia.
*Dr. Toshihiro Hattori, Renesas Mobile
*Dr. Kee Sup Kim, Samsung
*Prof. Sachin Sapatnekar, Univ. of Minnesota
*Dr. Yasunori Miyahara, Panasonic
Students and interested professionals are welcomed to take part in the special sessions and the tutorial session covering ultra-low-voltage operation, green high-performance computing, and software power optimization.
The registration site is now open!
-At least one author per accepted is required to register before June 17, 2011.
Otherwise, the paper will not be included in the final proceedings.
-Student speakers will be invited to the banquet for free.
-Registration payment must be made in Japanese yen, and can be made in
one of the following:
- by Credit card: Visa, MasterCard, Diners Club, AMEX, or JCB
- Bank Transfer:
The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd.
Shin-Marunouchi Branch
1-1-1 Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-8114 Japan
Account Name: ISLPED2011
Account No.: (Ordinary Account): 3109317
*The bank transfer fee shall be borne by the applicants.
Information on Co-Located Workshop
The Co-located Workshop titled "International Symposium on Technology Innovation and Integration for Information Systems with Ultra-Low-Power" is held in the morning of August 1st. This workshop on the research projects supported by the Japan Science and Technology Agency. You can attend this workshop without fee, but separate registration is required. Visit here.
Conference Venue
812-0032 2-1 Sekijo-machi, Hakata-ku,
Fukuoka City, Japan
Phone 092-262-4111, FAX 092-262-4701
Past Dates
Camera-ready version deadline: May 25, 2011
Design Contest (pdf) due 11:59pm Pacific Daylight Time (GMT-7), May 27, 2011
Exhibition Proposals (pdf) May 29, 2011
Notification of acceptance: April 29, 2011
Paper Submission Deadline (extended): March 13, 2011, 11:59pm PDT (GMT-7)
Abstract and title registration: March 7, 2011
-Call for Paper (pdf)
-Template: IEEEtran.cls format with "conf" option for conference proceedings
-Online submission website has been closed.
Proposal for invited talks, panels, tutorials: March 14, 2011
Specific topics include, but are not limited to, the following two main areas,
each with three sub-areas:
1. Architecture, Circuits, and Technology
1.1. Technologies and Digital Circuits
1.2. Logic and Microarchitecture Design
1.3. Analog, MEMS, Mixed Signal and Imaging Electronics
2. Design Tools, System and Software Design
2.1. CAD & Design Tools
2.2. System Design and Methodologies
2.3. Software Design and Optimization
Technical Paper Submission
Submissions should be full-length papers of up to 6 pages (double-column format, font size 9pt to 10pt, in IEEEtran format with "conf" option), including all illustrations, tables, references and an abstract of no more than 100 words. Papers exceeding the six-page limit will not be reviewed. Electronic submission in pdf format only via the web is required.
Important notes:
*Submission must be anonymous: papers identifying the authors will be automatically rejected.
*IEEE reserves the right to exclude a paper from distribution after the conference (e.g., removal from IEEE Xplore) if the paper is accepted but not presented at the conference.
till conference