Conference Registration

On-line Registration Site is now Open.

Early-bird registration deadline: June 27, 2011 Japan Standard Time (GMT+9). All payments must be made in Japanese Yen.

At least one author per accepted paper is required to register before June 17, 2011. Otherwise, the paper will not be included in the final proceedings.

You may need a visa to travel to Japan.

Registration Fee:

The deadline is based on the receipt date of your application form to the Registration Office.

  1. *IEEE/ACM members and student members are required to fill in their membership numbers.

  2. *Student registrants are required to present their student ID at the Registration Desk on-site.

Registration Fee includes:

  1. -IEEE/ACM members and Non-members:
    All sessions, symposium materials, reception, coffee breaks, and banquet

  2. -IEEE/ACM student members and student non-members:
    All sessions, symposium materials, reception, coffee breaks
    Banquet is NOT included, but student speakers will be invited to the banquet for free.


Payment must be made in Japanese yen and can be made in one of the following methods:

  1. -Credit card (VISA, MasterCard, DinersClub, AMEX, or JCB)

  2. -Bank transfer:
    The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd.
    Shin-Marunouchi Branch
    1-1-1 Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-8114 Japan
    Account Name: ISLPED2011
    Account No.: (Ordinary Account): 3109317
    * The bank transfer fee shall be borne by the applicants


Upon receiving the registration and confirming the payment, the Registration Office will send you a Confirmation e-mail, bearing your registration number. Please print out and present the confirmation to the registration desk at the symposium site to receive the symposium materials. If you need an invoice for the payment, please inquire to the Registration Office:


If you cancel your participation in the symposium, please be sure to notify the Registration Office by e-mail or fax immediately. The following cancellation fee will apply, based on the date when the office receives notification of cancellation. All refunds will be made after the symposium.

Note for Presenting Authors: Cancellation by presenting authors are NOT allowed.

When written notice of cancellation received:

By June 17 2011: JPY 5,000

After June 18, 2011: 100% of the registration fee (No refund)

For any inquiries about registration, please contact:

Registration Office of ISLPED 2011

c/o ICS Convention Design, Inc.

Tel: +81-3-3219-3600 Fax: +81-3-3219-3577
